"Had the coals not cooled off while being transferred from the hands of the Cherub to the hands of Gavriel, no remnant or survivor would be left from the enemies of Israel." The Gemara in Pesachim 118a states that Gavriel is the angel of fire, so it follows that Gavriel should be the one bearing the coals. yet, Gavriel has the Cherub transfer the coals to him, allowing them to cool down, and the Jewish People are saved. This transfer reflects the Gemara in Kesubos 5a that states that the Bais HaMikdash is created with two hands, whereas the heavens were created with one hand. The Bais HaMikdash is considered the handiwork of the righteous, so it follows that Gavriel saved the Jewish People from being destroyed in the merit of the righteous, as the Gemara here states earlier that Michael said to HaShem, "Master of the Universe, it is sufficient that the nation be spared for the sake of the good among them."
"They brought in Dubiel, the ministering angel of the Persians." The Gemara in Megillah 11a states that Persia is compared to a דוב, a bear, hence the name דוביאל.
"What is meant by כן יתן לידידו שנא, these are the wives of Torah scholars who lose sleep (מדדות שינה) in this world and merit the World to Come. " We find other instances where the word מדדד is used as a metaphor for toiling in Torah. Regarding Yaakov it is said ותדד שנתי מעיני, and the Bereishis Rabbah states there that Yaakov did not study Torah (משנתי מלשון משנה) while working for Lavan. (There it actually means he was pushed away from Torah). Furthermore, when the Jewish People received the Torah, the Gemara in Shabbos 88b states that the Jewish People moved backwards twelve mil and the angels pushed them forward, as it is said מלכי צבאות ידודון ידודון אל תיקרי ידודון אלא ידדון.
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