Thursday, November 30, 2006

Daf Yomi - Beitza 34 - STORIES FROM THE DAF

The Gemora Chulin (52a) rules regarding an animal which most of its ribs were broken is deemed to be a treifa and cannot be eaten even if it was slaughtered properly. The Gemora and Shulchan Aruch (Y”D 54) does not clarify as to what the halacha would be regarding a bird. The Peri Megadim relates an incident that took place in the city of Rahbutsh where there was a great disagreement amongst the poskim as to what the halacha would be regarding bird that most of its ribs were broken. The Peri Megadim ruled that it would seem to him that the bird should be considered a treifa even though he didn’t find explicit proof for this. Present at that argument was the Gaon Rav Sender, the grandson of the Tevuos Shor and he too was not certain of the correct ruling. Upon returning to his city, Rav Sender found that Rashi in Beitza 34 explicitly states regarding a bird that most of its ribs were broken, is deemed to be a treifa. The Peri Megadim commented “ani heoni lo motzosiv” – “I, the poor person was not able to locate it.” The poor person is not referring to one who lacks wealth, rather one who lacks Torah knowledge.