Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Gemora states: Rabbi Nechunya ban Hakanah said that one of the meritorious acts that he performed earning him longevity was the fact that he never went to bed to go to sleep before forgiving anyone that harmed him in any manner.

The Rosh Yosef explains the reasoning for this: At night, a person's neshama ascends to the heavens to receive judgment on all the day's actions. While in heaven, the neshama, if the person merits, is able to enter into the room of Hashem and listen to hidden secrets. The Gemora in shabbos (149b) states: A person, that someone else is punished on his account, does not merit entering this private chamber. That is why it is integral to forgive anyone that harmed you before falling asleep. Rabbi Nechunya waited the entire day because he wanted to give the people that caused him harm a chance to repent on their own and to perform the mitzva of repenting.

It is said over regarding the Skulener Rebbe that there is a person that goes out of his way every day to pain the Rebbe and cause him grief. Yet, the Rebbe greets him every morning with a cheerful "good morning" and a huge smile. When asked to explain himself, the Rebbe said that before going to sleep, he forgives everyone and each day is a new beginning. Every person deserves a cheerful greeting.


Anonymous said...

You Know what always bothered me about this Beracha in Kriyas Shma Bein Bgilgul Zeh Bein Bigilgul Acher fine but every night to say it how often is my Gilgul chainging.

Anonymous said...

how about according to Tosfos in Rosh Hashanah that every Rosh Hashanah one gets judged whether he'll get olam haba or not? How does that work?

Avromi said...

I'm not sure the Rosh Yosef was referring to olam haba. Perhaps I didn't understand your question.

Anonymous said...

Re: anonymous
I dont feel comfortable dealing with these issues. To say I'm underqualified, would be an understatement. However...
I once heard someone propose an answer to your question.
Maybe as we progress with each day we are progressing with the corresponding day of whatever (whoever) gilgul we were in an earlier time.


joshwaxman said...

I had some questions on this Rosh Yosef on parshablog.

Check it out here:

Anonymous said...

What happened with the lack of postings its friday and the last post was wensday are you guy calling it quits too?

Avromi said...

no were not - just out of town and the wife and family is keeping me busy - will resume full force sunday iy"H

Anonymous said...

how does this mechilah and mechilah by tefillas zakah work if one did not appease his friend?