Sunday, August 09, 2009

Wicked Olives

by: Rabbi Yosef Dov Karr

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The Mishna records a dispute about peritzei zeisim – wicked olives – which will never ripen. Beis Shammai says that since they have reached the end of their ripening, they are considered food, and may become impure, while Beis Hillel says that since they are not edible as regular olives, they are not considered food, and may not become impure.

What is the meaning behind these “wicked olives”? People may be righteous or wicked, but not food!?

The Ben Yehaydah explains that a wicked person can come back as a gilgul (reincarnation) as fruit and his neshamah (soul) gets a tikkun in that a person makes a blessing on this fruit. Unfortunately, there are some evil people that are so wicked that when they return as fruit, they come back as peritzim, or fruit that will never ripen. They are not even considered a food (and therefore cannot become tamei). One does not say a blessing on peritzim and the wicked person does not receive his tikkun.

Now we can conclude how important it is to say a proper blessing before we eat food, and perhaps, we should have a new kavanah when we recite a brochah, and keep I mind that that this brochah may be a tikkun for a neshamah that seeks to repent.


joshwaxman said...

fascinating. indeed, it inspired me to write a post on the subject, and on today's daf:
