Friday, August 11, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 66- Lekavod Shabbos

The Gemara states that it is said regarding the he-goat that was sent to Azazel ושלח ביד איש עתי המדברה, he shall send it with a designated man, (איש עתי) to the wilderness. The word עתי comes to include that the Azazel goat is sent out even on Shabbos. This teaches us that if the goat was sick and could not walk, the designated man carries it on its shoulders. Although he will be violating the melacha of carrying, this prohibition is superseded by the obligation to perform the Yom Kippur service. It is interesting that this law is derived from the word עתיh. Shlomo HaMelech writes in Koheles בכל עת יהיו בגדיך לבנים, let your garments always be white. The essence of the Yom Kippur service was to gain atonement for the Jewish People, and the atonement was reflected in the red strip of wool, half of which was tied to a rock and half of which was tied between the two horns of the goat. When the Jewish People were worthy, the strip
would turn white and they knew that they had gained atonement, as it is said אם יהיו חטאיכם כשנים כשלג ילבינו, if your sins will be like crimson, they will become white like snow. The word Shabbos is derived from the word שב, which means to repent, so it follows that the service that was performed to reflect atonement for the Jewish People would be performed on Shabbos also, as one should always ensure that his clothing be white.

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