Sunday, October 01, 2006

Daf Yomi - Sukkah 29 - Highlights

1. One should not bring large serving pots into the Sukkah unless the pots will be used during the meal. The Mishna Berura writes that according to some opinions these pots should not be brought into the Sukkah even during the meal. One can, however, bring small pots into the Sukkah. One should remove plates and pans from the Sukkah after the meal has ended so as not to belittle the sanctity of the Sukkah. One can, however, leave drinking cups inside the Sukkah. (29a1)
2. One may leave a lamp inside the Sukkah, unless the Sukkah is so small that there will be a concern that that the walls of the Sukkah will catch fire from the heat of the lamp. (29a1)
3. One who is sitting in the Sukkah can leave the Sukkah if it begins to rain, provided that the rain is coming down hard enough to spoil his food. The Rema rules that the amount of rain that is required to allow one to exit his Sukkah is the same amount of rain that would cause a person to exit his house if he had a leak in his roof. (29a1)
4. If one was eating or sleeping in the Sukkah and it began to rain and he exited the Sukkah, he does not need to return to the Sukkah even if the rain ceased. The reason for this ruling is because it is considered distress for one to have to return to the Sukkah. One who insists on eating in the Sukkah while it is raining is deemed to be a hedyot, a commoner, and he does not earn reward for the mitzvah. (29a1-29a2)
5. The Mishna rules that all four species, i.e. lulav, esrog, hadas, and aravah are invalid if they are stolen, regardless of whether the owner had despaired from having the item retuned to him. (29b3)
6. If the spine or the majority of a Lulav’s leaves became dried out, the lulav is invalid. A lulav is deemed to be dry when instead of being a natural green, it turned white. (29b3)
Thank you to Rabbi Jay Spero for providing us with the highlights