Thursday, October 19, 2006

Daf Yomi - Sukkah 47 - Highlights

1. The Rosh writes that one does not recite a blessing when entering a Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres because reciting a blessing would demonstrate contradictory behavior. When one recites a blessing for the Sukkah, he is demonstrating that dwelling in the Sukkah is a mitzvah, and then it cannot simultaneously be Shemini Atzeres. If it is now Shemini Atzeres and Sukkos has ended, then dwelling in the Sukkah cannot be deemed a mitzvah. To enter the Sukkah and not recite a blessing is not contradictory to Shemini Atzeres, because people will occasionally eat outdoors if it is pleasant for them. The Chachamim did not enact a decree, however, that one should take a lulav on Shemini Atzeres without reciting a blessing, because a person does not take a lulav on his own, and taking it on Shemini Atzeres would be in contradiction to the theme of the day. Tosafos adds that taking a lulav may involve the prohibition of handling muktzeh on Yom Tov. (46a1)
2. Rabbi Yochanan rules that one recites the shehechiyanu blessing on Shemini Atzeres but not on the seventh day of Pesach. The reason for this distinction is because Shemini Atzeres is considered an independent Yom Tov, as one is not required to sit in the Sukkah and take the lulav on Shemini Atzeres, and the water libations on the mizbeiach are not performed on Shemini Atzeres. (47a2)
3. The Gemara explains further that Shemini Atzeres is considered independent from the rest of Sukkos as it has its own arrangement of sacrificial offerings. In addition, the songs that the Leviim sang were not from the same category of songs that were sung on Sukkos. Another distinction is that the text of the Shemone Esrei that is recited on Shemini Atzeres is different that the text that is recited on Sukkos. Lastly, Shemini Atzeres requires that one stay overnight in Jerusalem until the day after the festival. (47a3)
4. Although there is normally a requirement that one stay overnight in Jerusalem after having offered a sacrifice, there is no such requirement regarding the festival of Pesach Sheini. (47b1-47b2)
5. There is an opinion that maintains that one does not recite the shehechiyanu blessing on Shemini Atzeres. The halacha, however, is in accordance with the opinion that one does recite the shehechiyanu blessing on Shemini Atzeres. (47b2-47b3)