Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Daf Yomi - Beitza 13 - Taste of Talsan Beans by Reb Dave

13a – Rashi says we do not separate maser on the straw of the talsan beans, because “ the taste of the fruit and the branch is the same” ( taa’am eitzoh upiryah shavin). It seem to me that this phrase is just an expression of something having no taste, not that literally the fruit tastes like the bark, or that the bark tastes like the fruit. Proof of this can be seen from the fact that the Gemara applies this dictum to peppers, and yet we know from Yoma that peppers are not even considered food. Again, it is just another way of saying the peppers have no taste. KN’’L.


Avromi said...

taken from wineonline

The third opinion, that of Rabbi Abba
from Acco, expounds the Eitz Hada'as was an esrog
tree, based upon Chava's assertion that the tree itself
was good. Chazal relate that only an esrog tree
produces fruit and bark with similar taste.
Parenthetically, the Mateh Ephraim (Eleph
Hamagen 660:6) explains a beautiful Hoshana Rabbah
custom pertaining to pregnant women. After the mitzvah
of the four species is completed on Hoshanna Rabba,
the esrog is no longer necessary. Pregnant women
would bite off the esrog's pitem, thereby demonstrating
that this time they are "eating" from the esrog tree only
after the esrog is permissible. By indicating their
disapproval of Chava's original transgression, in this
merit, the women are asking HaShem to grant them an
easy delivery!