Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Food For Thought - Yevamos 62 - Daf Yomi

Some heoros on the Daf by Reb Ben:

This question may sound strange, but isn't there room to think that even Moshe, the greatest prophet, should be married to a woman? We always say that the beauty of Yiddishkeit is that we believe in marriage and bearing children, as this is part of our service of HaShem. I understand that Moshe needed to be constantly in a state of readiness to receive nevuah, but even the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur had a wife designated for him so that the dictum of vicheper baado uvead baiso could be fulfilled. Furthermore, would HaShem reveal Himself to Moshe even at times when He knew that it was not suitable for nevuah?

Why did Moshe make a kal vachomer from Pesach? If the luchos had to be broken, then break them. It seems like there was an issur to break the luchos. The Yerushalmi in Taanis states that since it says, vayispos , I grabbed, we infer that Moshe and HaShem struggled over the luchos but Moshe won out.

Tosfos quotes the Medrash that Tzipporah said, " woe to the wives of these, because from the day that HaShem spoke to Moshe, he separated from me. Did Tzipporah not understand that the nevuah of Moshe was different? Furthermore, if Tzipporah felt the same as Aharon and Moshe, why did she not get tzaraas? ( I think I once saw this question somewhere.)

It has always bothered me why we need a drasha from the word asher to learn yeiyasher kochacha sheshibarta. Yeiyasher means strength and asher means "that." Although we can suggest that the root is shur, wall, or the like, it would seem from the passuk that HaShem is just informing Moshe that he broke the luchos, not that he is giving him a haskama.

The students of Rabbi Akiva died between Pesach and Atzeres. Pesach is referred to in the Gemara as dabcha (like Zavcha) which means slaughter. Thus, the time period alludes to their death (Rabbi Akiva himself was actually slaughtered as the Gemara in Pesachim states that Rabbi Eliezer said regarding Rabbi Akiva, his dearth will be by slaughtering.) Atzeres means to refrain, as they stopped dying by Shavuos.

Rav Volhbe zt"l quoted sefarim (Probably Arizal) that state that HaShem fulfilled the dictum mentioned in our Gemara that one should be poked his wife before he goes on the road. Subsequent to the destruction of the first Bais HaMikdash, Hashem gave the Jewish People the prophecy of Yechezkel where he saw the merkavah. Subsequent to the destruction of the second Bais HaMikdash, we received the Zohar through Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't yasher mean straight?

Anonymous said...

The pesukim that say that Moshe's nevuah was different was said after Tziporah and Miriam; it would seem that she didn't know beforehand.

Anonymous said...

I believe yiyasher means strength, like hakol sharir vikayam on a kesubah.

Regarding Tzipporah, your answer makes sense. I will research further.

Avromi said...

If I may get involved, I think yasher comes from straight also, and by a kesuvah, it doesn't mean strength, but affirmed.

Anonymous said...

the word shur has many meanings. see, straight, wall, strong. Rabbi Levin shlita once talked about the words lemaan shoriray. something that is affirmed is strong. yiyasher here does not necessarily mean straight. it's like yiyasher cheilchah. it could, however, mean aligned. how does artscroll translate yiyasher? Rashi and Malbim translate shoreray as looking, watchful. Will try to check Rav Hirsch later.