Monday, July 31, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 55 - Twentyone or 'One and Twenty?'

The Gemora states that in some cities they count by mentioning the single digit before the ten's digit - one and twenty and in other cities the custom was in reverse - twenty and then one. This is what caused the difference in the counting by the sprinkling of the blood. It is ruled in Shulchan Aruch (in relevance to contracts) that regarding days of the month, it should be written 'one and twenty' and the reverse regarding the years. Why? I'm not sure. (It does say that if it is reversed, it nevertheless is kosher.)

Tosfos Yeshanim writes that in the Torah we find both ways. What is the explanation of that?


Anonymous said...

Rav Chizkiyah de Silva5 writes that R’ Meir’s position
should be followed since the Mishnah is consistent with R’
Meir’s opinion. He cites several pesukim that places the general
number first as further evidence that in practice one
should follow R’ Meir’s position and concludes that when
counting sefiras haomer one should say, “twenty and one
days of the omer.” Rav Shmuel Feivish6 disagrees, based
upon the ruling of Rema, and writes that for sefiras haomer
one should count the specific number first, “one and twenty
days of the omer.” Mishnah Berurah7 rules that one should
say the specific number first, but he adds that it is only an
issue of using nicer language.

Daf Yomi Digest is published by The Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit'a HaRav Pinchus Eichenstein, Rosh Kollel HaRav Tzvi Bider, Executive Director.

The Daf Yomi Digest is compiled by members of the Ruben Shas Kollel, written and edited by HaRav Daniel Raccah Harav Ben-Zion Rand and HaRav Gershon Schaffel.

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