Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Yoma 35 היא תקום

The Gemora concludes נמצא הלל מחייב את העניים רבי אלעזר בן חרסום מחייב את העשירים יוסף מחייב את הרשעים There is a hint to this in the passuk רבות מחשבות בלב איש ועצת ה היא תקום - The היא stands for הלל יוסף אליעזר. (heard from Rav Meir Bergman this morning)


Avromi said...

I think that the pshat would be that a person uses his excuses as a way of justifying his way of life and ultimately it is proven false by the עצת ה,which at times, a person's plan might even be disrupted by Hashem.

I think that's the connection, but it is just a remez.
