Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 70 - Glorifying Mitzvos Only in Public

The Gemora states that after the kohen gadol concluded his reading of the Torah, each and every person would take their own sefer Torah out and read from it. Rashi learns that that the purpose is to show the glory of the Torah and the toil involved in beautifying the mitzva. There are those that learn from here that the mitzva of glorifying a mitzva learned from the passuk of זה קלי ואנוהו is only when it is in public but not when performing a mitzva in private. There are examples that seem to prove otherwise. This is a good issue to discuss at length.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't bris milah be a primary example? Or is that considered public? Do we look at the time of the mitzva?

Avromi said...

Stan - Good point!
The Cheshek Shlomo makes a distinction between the milah of a ger and of a koton. The milah of a child does not require tznius and therefore a mohel would go back again to fulfill the mitzva of v'anvehu, however by a ger, he would not because there is an element of tznius. He does ask on this though (at the end).

Avromi said...

esrog would be an example of a public mitzva.
private is like the klaf of the tefillin which is covered

Anonymous said...

isnt there a mitzva to have a nice tallis and tzitzis?