Monday, August 28, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 83 - Baal Loshon Hora Compared to a Mad Dog

Daf Yomi - Yoma 83 - Baal Loshon Hora Compared to a Mad Dog

The D’aas Kedoshim writes that the Chachamim compared one who speaks Lashon hara to a mad dog. This statement is sufficient to humiliate one who speaks Lashon hara, as man was created in the image of G-d and through his despicable actions he can be denigrated to the level of a mad dog. The analogy of one who speaks Lashon hara to a mad dog is appropriate, as both the one who speaks Lashon hara and a mad dog have similar characteristics. The Gemara in Yoma 83b states that five things were said regarding a mad dog. Its mouth is open, its saliva drips, its ears droop, its tail rest on its legs, and it walks on the side of the road. Some say it also barks but its voice is not heard. One who speaks Lashon hara always has his mouth open, and he is constantly dripping saliva, i.e. words of slander and degradation. One who speaks Lashon hara also has drooping ears, because the Gemara in Kesubos 5a states that one should pace his earlobe inside his ear so he should not hear improper words, whereas one who speaks Lashon hara not only does not refrain from hearing Lashon hara, but he widens his ears to hear more Lashon hara. For this reason he is likened to a mad dog whose ears are enlarged and doubled over. Furthermore, the mad dog walks on the side of the road, and a person who walks on the side of the road is deemed to be arrogant. It is well-known that arrogance leads one to denigrate the righteous. Lastly, the one who speaks Lashon hara is likened to a mad dog that barks but its voice is not heard. The one who speaks Lashon hara is concerned that the person he denigrates should not be informed of the slander, and if the victim is informed, the one who slandered him will deny his wrongdoing. Since he “barks” but his voice is not heard, the righteous person who is a victim of the slander is not aware of the words that were spoken against him and it is difficult to spare himself from the suffering which is caused by the one who barks and bites with his speech.