Saturday, September 02, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 87 - Confessing Sins of Father

Daf Yomi - Yoma 87 - Confessing Sins of Father

The Gemora states that the primary confession is when a person says "but we have sinned." The Rambam in Hilchos Teshuva 2:8 rules in accordance with this Gemora. Rabbeinu Yonah in shaarei Teshuva 1:40 writes that one must mention his own as well as his fathers sins for a son can get punished for the deeds of his father if he continues in his ways. Shmuas Cahim wonders as to why this is not mentioned in the Gemora or the Rambam. According to Rabbeinu Yonah, does one have to specify the sins of his father?


Anonymous said...

Would he ask his father for the list?