28a – it is interesting that the Gemara elaborates at length to describe the greatness of Rav Yochanan, while it gives relatively short shrift to Ravb Yonason, who was greater. That idea is reflected in the notion that great men and greatness do not need advertisements for themselves. Greatness speaks for itself
28a – The Gemara states that Yonasan Ben Uziel was the greatest disciple of Hillel, and this is evident from the fact that when Yonasan sat and studied Torah, a bird that flew over him was immediately burned. The commentators explain this to mean that the moment a foreign idea entered Yonasan’s mind, he immediately vanquished the thought. Thus, a bird is an allegory for a thought or a communication. There are many instances throughout Scripture and the Talmud where we find that a bird is a metaphor for this idea. In the Book of Koheles (10:20) we find the expression for a bird of the skies may carry the sound, and some winged creature may betray the matter. We find further in the Gemara Brachos 3a the expression of a dove whimpering like a heavenly voice. The Gemara in Gittin 45a records an incident of a man who was familiar with the speech of birds. The Gemara in Sota 31a states that we can derive testimony from a flying bird. A related idea to this can also be found in Chullin 124b.
28a – The Gemara states that Yonasan Ben Uziel was the greatest disciple of Hillel, and this is evident from the fact that when Yonasan sat and studied Torah, a bird that flew over him was immediately burned. The commentators explain this to mean that the moment a foreign idea entered Yonasan’s mind, he immediately vanquished the thought. Thus, a bird is an allegory for a thought or a communication. There are many instances throughout Scripture and the Talmud where we find that a bird is a metaphor for this idea. In the Book of Koheles (10:20) we find the expression for a bird of the skies may carry the sound, and some winged creature may betray the matter. We find further in the Gemara Brachos 3a the expression of a dove whimpering like a heavenly voice. The Gemara in Gittin 45a records an incident of a man who was familiar with the speech of birds. The Gemara in Sota 31a states that we can derive testimony from a flying bird. A related idea to this can also be found in Chullin 124b.
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