Monday, October 30, 2006

Daf Yomi - Beitzah 4 - Wine: settling and unsettling

The Gemara states that Rav would not place an amora, an expounder, by his side from the onset of Yom Tov until the next day because he was concerned about intoxication. Rav would not lecture after eating his Yom Tov meal, because had he drunk wine, he would have been forbidden to issue halachic rulings, and one who is intoxicated is prohibited from deciding on halachic matters. It is noteworthy that the Gemara in Megillah states that when Achashveirosh requested that the Jewish sages render a judgment regarding Vashti’s infraction of not appearing before the king, the Jewish sages responded that they were not fit to judge because they were in exile. The Chachamim recommended to Achashveirosh that he consult with the wise men of Moav who were like wine that had settled, as Moav had not been exiled. Thus, we see that wine can unsettle a person to the point that he is prohibited from issuing halachic rulings, yet one can be in a state that is akin to wine that has settled and this state is conducive to render judgment.


Anonymous said...

The gemara in Eiruvin quotes Rava as saying that wine made him smart , but only if in the right amount.