Friday, November 03, 2006

Daf Yomi - Beitza 7 - Drinking Included in Eating

Rashi cites the Gemara in Chullin that states that if one melts forbidden fats into a liquid and drinks it, he will be liable. This is derived from an extra word in a verse. Tosfos wonders why an extra word is necessary, if we can use the principle that drinking is included in eating. Tosfos answers that this principle is only said regarding something that is normal to drink. Regarding something that is actually a food item and has now been transformed into a liquid, however, we do not apply the principle that drinking is included in eating and for this reason we need to use the extra word.The Gemara in Yoma states that one is required to afflict himself in five different manners on Yom Kippur. The Gemara asks that there are actually six afflictions, to which the Gemara answers that drinking is included in eating.

Rabbi Akiva Eiger questions this principle from a Gemara in Shavuos and we can pose a similar question on the Gemara. Why does the Gemara state that there are only five afflictions, when there are actually six afflictions? Drinking a liquid on Yom Kippur that was initially a solid is not be included in eating and thus would be deemed a sixth affliction?

Perhaps we can answer that the distinction posited by Tosfos only applies to something that is an issur cheftza, a prohibition in the item itself. Cheilev, forbidden fats, is intrinsically forbidden, so we can say that when the fats are transformed into a liquid, it is not included in the conventional prohibition of eating. Regarding Yom Kippur, however, which is an issur gavra, a prohibition on the person not to consume food, the food is not intrinsically forbidden. Rather, the person is prohibited from eating, so there is no distinction between a conventional liquid and a food that was transformed into a liquid. All liquids are included in the prohibition of eating on Yom Kippur.