Monday, February 26, 2007

Daf Yomi - Megillah 19 - ARRANGEMENT OF THE MISHNA

The Mishna states: The resident of a town who went to a walled city or a resident of a walled city who went to a town, if he will return to his place, he reads the Megillah on the day he usually would, and if not, he reads with them.

From where (which point in the Megillah) does a man read the Megillah and fulfill his obligation? Rabbi Meir says: One is required to read the entire Megillah. Rabbi Yehudah says: From the verse [2:5]: A Jewish man. Rabbi Yosi says: From the verse [3:1]: After these things.

The Rosh Yosef asks: Why is this Mishna written in this perek? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if it was inserted in the first perek together with the other halachos regarding the days of the Megillah reading for the walled cities, towns and villages? Furthermore, the Nefesh Chaya asks, what is the connection between the first part of the Mishna and the second half?

He answers that if one would only learn the second half of the Mishna that there are various opinions as to where one must read the Megillah from, one might think that it will depend on which location the Megillah is being read. The people residing in Shushan or in any walled city should read the Megillah from the beginning since it was only the residents of Shushan that derived benefit from the feast of Achashverosh and it is the beginning of the Megillah that discusses Achashverosh’s feast. The townspeople can begin reading from any of the other points mentioned above.

It is for this reason that Rebbe arranged the Mishna here to illustrate that there is no distinction in the reading of the Megillah between those residing in a walled city and those residing in the towns; rather it is a Tannaic dispute.