Friday, April 06, 2007

Daf Yomi - Moed Katan 27 - Highlights

The Gemora cites a braisa: At what point do the mourners overturn their beds? Rabbi Eliezer says: When the coffin leaves the house. Rabbi Yehoshua said: When they seal the lid on the casket. (27a)

The Gemora cites a braisa: When do the mourners right the beds on Friday afternoon? The Gemora answers: From Mincha time (either a half hour after midday or two and a half hours afterwards). Rabbah bar Rav Huna interrupts and rules that the mourners are nevertheless prohibited from sitting on those beds until nightfall (since they are still required to be in a state of mourning until then). The braisa continues: They must overturn the beds on Motzei Shabbos even if there is only one more day of mourning left. (27a)

The Gemora cites a braisa: The mourners must overturn all the beds that are in his house and even if there are ten beds in ten different places of the house (other Rishonim – in other houses, as long as he uses them sometimes). Even if there are five brothers and one of them dies, they all are required to overturn their beds in their houses. If the bed is designated for containing utensils, it does not need to be overturned. (27a)

The Gemora cites a braisa: The mourner is not required to overturn a dargash (will be explained shortly) bed, rather, one should stand it up on its side (and lean it against the wall). Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: One should untie its straps and the bed will fall by itself.

Ula says: A dargash bed is a bed of good fortune.

The Gemora asks: If it is a regular type of bed, why does the Tanna Kamma maintain that it is not required to be overturned? The Gemora answers: This is not problematic; it is similar to a bed that is designated for containing utensils that does not need to be overturned (because it is not used for sleeping).

The Gemora asks: If it is a regular type of bed, why does Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel rule that one should untie its straps; a regular bed does not have straps, it has ropes attached to the frame?

The Gemora concludes that a dargash is a leather bed (its straps are attached on the inside through slits in the frame – even though it was used as a regular bed (for traveling noblemen), the Sages were lenient regarding it because overturning the leather sheet and placing it on the ground would cause damage to it). (27a)

The Gemora cites a braisa: We may sweep and sprinkle water on the ground within the mourner's house, and we may wash dishes, cups, jars and bottles, but we may not bring the incense and the nice-smelling spices into the house of the mourner.

The Gemora states: It is permitted to bring the incense and the nice-smelling spices into the room where the consolers are comforting the mourner. (27a)

The Mishna states: They may not bring the food to the house of the mourner on a tray, or in a large bowl, or with a large basket, but rather, the food should be brought in regular baskets.

They may not recite the mourners' blessing during Chol Hamoed, but they do form the row and console the mourner and they immediately dismiss the public.

They may not set down the bier in the street during Chol Hamoed in order not to promote eulogies (which are forbidden on Chol Hamoed). They never set down the biers of women in the street out of respect (blood might flow from them and it would be embarrassing). (27a)

The Gemora cites a braisa: Initially, when they brought food to the house of the mourner, a rich person would deliver it in containers of silver and gold, and poor people would deliver it in weaved willow baskets, and the poor people were ashamed. They enacted that everyone should deliver it in these simple weaved willow baskets, because of the honor of the poor people.

Initially, they served drinks in the house of the mourner, a rich person would serve it in white glass vessels and poor people would serve it in colored glass, and the poor people were ashamed. They enacted that all should serve the drinks in colored glass, because of the honor of the poor people.

Initially, they would expose the face of the rich person who died (thus inspiring people to cry) and cover the face of the poor people because their faces were blackened due to years of famine, and the poor people were ashamed. They enacted that they cover the faces of all, because of the honor of the poor people.

Initially, they would take the rich person who died out on a dargash and the poor people on a bier, and the poor people were ashamed. They enacted that all be taken out on a bier, because of the honor of the poor people.

Initially, they would place incense under those who dies with stomach illnesses, but those living with stomach illnesses became ashamed. They enacted that incense would be placed under all corpses, because of the honor of those living with stomach illnesses.

Initially, they would immerse utensils used by menstruating women before they died, but the living menstruants became ashamed. They enacted that they would immerse utensils from all women who died, because of the honor of the living menstruants.

Initially, they would immerse utensils used by zavim (men who became tamei because of a specific type of seminal emission) before they died, but the living zavim became ashamed. They enacted that they would immerse utensils from all men who died, because of the honor of the living zavim.

Initially, the taking out of the corpse was harder on his relatives more than his death (due to the costs involved), until the situation was such that his relatives would place him down and run away! Until Rabban Gamliel came and acted lightly with himself, by going out with linen clothing, and all the people followed his example to be buried in linen clothing.

Rav papa said: Nowadays, the custom is to use coarse canvas, which is worth only a zuz. (27a – 27b)

Rav Papa said: One is permitted to eulogize a Torah scholar during Chol Hamoed. It is certainly permitted on Chanukah and Purim. The Gemora qualifies this ruling: It is only permitted in the presence of the bier or on the day that they were informed of his passing. (27b)

Rabbi Yochanan said: A mourner, who has nodded his head (thus indicating that he has been consoled), the comforters are prohibited from sitting near him.

Rabbi Yochanan said: All are obligated to stand before the Nasi except for a mourner and a sick person. (27b)

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav: If there is a dead person in a city, the citizens of the city are prohibited from working until after the burial.

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav: One who grieves excessively over his dead will cry over another death. (27b)

It is written [Yirmiyah 22:10]: Cry intensely for one who leaves, because he will not return again and see the land of his birthplace. Rav Yehudah said: This is referring to one who departs this world without children.

Rav Huna said: The verse is referring to a person who committed a sin and repeated it. The Gemora states: Rav Huna is following his reasoning stated elsewhere that one who commits a sin and repeats it, it has become permitted to him.

The Gemora asks: Do you actually think that it is permitted? The Gemora answers: Rav Huna means that it becomes to him as if it was permitted. (27b)


Anonymous said...

Haggos Yosef דף כז Moed Katan
Daf Blurbs
There are a few ways to learn the Gemara either a parent or non parent, then there is a pshat that even thought normally when traveling and you reach a place you buy extra supplies cause you don’t know when you will reach the next place where supplies will be available non the less you do not buy the extra supplies. The next part of the Gemora is also a Machlokes how we learn it does the Gemora meaning the act of flipping the bed or the laws of aveilus in general.
Tosfos holds it is putting a stone on the earth, Rashi says covering the Body.
The Yavetz says not the Regular Gamliel Hazaken this is Gamliel from Yavneh.
When it says until Mincha which Zman Mincha is it talking about Mincha Gedolah or Katonah? Most say it is talking about Mincha Gedolah, Based on this we have another Halacha a day before a day we don’t say Tachnun we also do not say it after Mincha Gedolah.
Tosfos points out this is the Mekor for sitting on the floor.
This Gemora seems to say there is no aveilus on Shabbos so how according to the one who say there Aveilus on Shabbos do they learn this Gemora as you see we are un-flipping the beds? There are two answers one that flipping the bed I s a high level of aveilus so that much we don’t do on Shabbos second the halacha is all beds are flipped on Shabbos only the Mourners bed is flipped.
When do we say Part of the day is like whole day (Miktzas Hayom Kikulah)? Is it by day or also by night it is a argument between Rambam and the Ritva .Rambam holds it is Miktzas Hayom Kikulah And Ritva Says no they Both use our Gemora as proof Rambam say s it is because you see the Gemora tells us specifically to turn over the beds on Motzah Shabbos because you would think that you don’t need to because you are not keeping aveilus after a short period of time at night hence you see Miktzas Hayom Kikulah From our Gemora. The Ritva says there is no miktzas hayom by night because our Gemora tells you to flip on Motzah Shabbos so you see that there is none because it is telling you to flip which proves that part of the day is like the whole day even at night.
The Nimukei Yosef says the way to understand the Chiddush of the 5 brothers is that its talking about all five brothers are sitting in their own homes and no one is sitting in the home of the person who died non the less each person in his home flips all the beds.
Is Rav Shimon Ben Gamliel A Maikil or is he a Machmir Argument depends how you learn the Gemora is it that you must untie and flip or just flip.
How can we practicing superstition? Put out for the Angle that protects the house or it says that the angle who gives wealth only comes to a neat house and the poor angle comes to messy house so this bed is kept super neat, or it is to show that we have blessing in the home.
Rambam holds you must sleep on overturned bed, Rosh says as long as the beds are overturned there is no need to sleep on it.
Perfume and Incense- המוגמר ואת הבשמים
There are different ways to learn one when the body is in house you bring and don’t make Bracha after you don’t bring, another is in the room with a lot of people you can to mask odor but in the room just for the mourners no.
By Havdalah what does the Mourner Do? The best thing would be someone makes Havdalah and the Mourner smells and does not make the Blessing
לא בטבלא, ולא באסקוטלא, ולא בקנון-Bringing food to Mourner
Rav Moshe Feinstein Asks How do we bring gifts to a Mourner so how do we send food?
It is not like Shalach Manos that is used to build friendship this shows we are sharing in their pain.
The Minchas Eliezer points out this Mishnah is one of the sources for bringing flowers to the funeral Besides for Chukas Hagoyim so we don’t Incur extra expenses trying to bring nicer flowers.
בכלי פשתן-Linen clothing
We do this just like on Yom Kippur when the Kohen Godol went it to the Kodesh HaKadoshim he wore linen to be Atonement so to we do in our deaths. Makes revival of the dead easier, because it shows you believe in revival of the dead. If so why did they not use Linen before? Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnefeld says they did but they put other things over it.
Eulogies on Chal Hamoed
-Hesped can be said on the day of death of Talmud Chacham if it is Chal Hamoed
Rambam says the day you hear about is has the same Halacha, Mishnah Berurah says today there is no such thing as Talmid Chacham on this level that we would make Hesped on Chal Hamoed the Noda BiYehuda and the Elyah Rabbah disagree.