Friday, July 28, 2006

Daf Yomi - Yoma 52 - Almonds and Flowers?

Tosfos Yeshanim asks on why does it mention the flowers by the staff of Aharon if they grew into almonds, there were no flowers? He answers that there were both. Some remained flowers and others grew into almonds. Look at the Das Zkanim and decide if he says the same pshat. The Ritva explains that some of the flowers remained in order to magnify the miracle.

See Tzachi's comment from Reb Moshe - great lesson!


Anonymous said...

Rav Moshe says that the purpose of this miracle was to show that in spirituality, nothing gets lost. All efforts are rewarded - unlike by gashmiyos where you only get paid for results. This is the significance of the flowers remaining afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I was bothered why does it have to mention these things at all, if his staff was there, all was there?