Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Daf Yomi - Sukkah 39 - Yehei Shmei Rabbah

Rava rules that one should not pause when answering by kaddish between yehei shmei rabbah and mevarech since the mevarech will be disconnected and have no meaning by itself. Rav Safra disagreed with him and maintains that even with a pause the meaning is still the same – The great name of Hashem should be blessed.

The Rama 56 rules that one should not pause in between those words. The Magen Avrohom asks that this is against the conclusion of our Gemora. He answers that in actuality it depends on the meaning of yehei shmei rabbah mevarech. According to the Machzor Vitri, the meaning is that Hashem’s name should become great, by becoming complete. In the future, Hashem’s throne will be complete and that is what we are praying for. According to this one should not pause between yehei shmei and rabbah.

The Magen Avrohom concludes that the explanation in the Rama could be that one should not pause for longer than one breath and this would be consistent with our Gemora.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the Rama have said "one should not pause in between shmei and rabbah" according to M"A's first explanation?

Avromi said...

Beer Heitev (I believe) brings down one girso exactly like youre saying and states the M"A would have to say like that.